In 2021, Nomin Holding LLC’s Production, Construction, and Engineering department branched out from Nomin Realtor LLC and started operating in the field of construction. During this period, a total of 49 medium and large projects were successfully completed, including the reconstruction of SDS, Nomin Hypermarket Nisekh, Nomin Hypermarket Cedar, and Nomin Supermarket Shur.We are working on residential projects with innovative design, smart planning, high-quality building management system (BMS) in line with international standards, human-centered, environmentally friendly, 50% green buildings, and integrated shopping and service centers. In 2022, our team will complete an 800-unit housing project in Khan-Uul district, a 380-unit housing project located in the center of Darkhan city, the construction of Nomin Warehouse shopping centers in Umnugovi, Hovd, Darkhan-Uul, and Dundgovi provinces, and the renovation of the Nomin Department Store. A total of 24 medium and large projects are currently being planned.